
常识爱好者 房产新闻 2024-04-28 4707



黑人可以 摆事实讲逻辑就行了 搞这种断章取义只会让詹黑自己变黑 偷鸡不成反蚀把米


Q:Lebron you have say in the New Orleans that you guys are apt to play near perfect basketball against this Denver In that kind of quest for perfection you.have you seen and could that be part of the reason why a good shooting team lose their shoot.........(大意:你觉不觉得追求完美所带来的压力让你们发挥失常了)

A:I don't know man it's post season.we are professional.you are supposed to have pressure and feel the pressure.So I don't how to answer the questions. you have to ask the inpidual, that question how they feel instead me .that be like this is what I think that guy feels, it's not mine, I can't do it, I'm out of my reader, I don't know. we've been to the mountaintop, and are closed to the mountains , played a lot of games, we know what it takes to win, we know what it takes to win a championship and how you know. You shouldn't ask me the question. Because I do not understand the player who are not close to the perfect basketball. it's just basketball.(大意:职业篮球运动员都在追求完美 只是在追求篮球方面的完美而已 又不是面面俱到什么都要完美 对职业球员来说并不过分)

按照黑子的理解 前面还在标榜自己是追求完美的职业运动员 后面就这只是篮球而已 不重要......


还存疑的 自己看吧
